Monday, October 3, 2011

first day of prep!

Today it really started happening... wrapped up some minor clearing and marked out the exact slab location. This led to our first "surprise" of the build... thanks to a gradual grade that was more severe than the initial measurements suggested, the SW corner of the house would be sitting 4 feet off the ground! Now, one or 2 corners can easily be high when building on terrain that's not totally flat, but 4 feet is extreme. Solution: lower the whole slab by about a foot, do some regrading around the low (NE) corner (and use the extra dirt to regrade the other way at the high corner to lessen the slab height relative to ground). We made sure drainage won't be an issue (we have a pretty good sense of water flow on the ground during downpours-- last time we had a major storm I swung by the property and noted the flow... it's mostly far from the build site, and unsurprisingly goes with the, ahem, "wet weather creek" that the house looks down upon). Anyways, and away we go...

Here's a few sample pics of the build site. We did have to toast 1 oak and a couple scrub juniper, but hats off to the architect/builder, who did a great job tucking the design in among a bunch of really great oaks that absolutely can't be messed with....

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